Cost of living in Malaga

Malaga, the capital of Andalusia’s Costa del Sol, is one of the best rated destinations to start a new life in Spain, with a relaxed culture and low costs of living. In this post we will help you live student life in a Spanish residence, located in Hubr Xior Málaga Teatinos. In addition, it has a very marked history and has its own personality, you have to take into account some disadvantages (which you will see in this article), living in Hubr Xior Málaga can be a great idea, depending on what your priorities are.
Staying at the Hubr Xior Málaga student residence has many benefits, moving to this city is a fantastic idea for students and young workers, as the city has reliable transportation, a rich cultural variety, a relaxed lifestyle and a cost of very affordable living.

The search for this region is not only due to the price, but also because it is located in the heart of the Campus of the University of Malaga. If you have decided to live in Malaga, remember this article because we have all the information you need to prepare your budget.

Cost of shopping in Malaga

The cost of food depends on your diet and where you buy. Luckily, Malaga has many options to buy fresh and affordable food, you can buy in supermarket chains for generic products, such as Carrefour or Mercadona, that you will find from a 4 minute walk from the residence Hubr Xior Málaga Teatinos, local stores for dairy products and more affordable meat markets, groceries, or at local markets for fresh fruits and vegetables.

Food is a difficult expense to calculate, not everyone eats the same and it will also depend on where and what is bought. In Malaga there is a supermarket called “Mercadona” which is one of the cheapest, another is “Alcampo” or “Día”, where you will find cheap high-quality products. The average cost for a student would be between 90 and 100 euros per month. If you like to cook, you will spend less since prepared food is more expensive than what you cook yourself.

Meal Prices

The average of a meal in a restaurant in Malaga will be around 13 or 15 euros, lunch for two people in a mid-range restaurant starts at 30 euros, while McDonalds costs 8 euros. Drinking a coke in a restaurant cost approximately 1.60 euros, you can pay 1.30 euros for a beer and 2.30 euros for an international one. The average cost of a cappuccino is 2 euros and drinking water is 1.10 euros.
To keep costs low as in any city you have to get away from the tourist area and follow the locals to restaurants and tapas bars in other areas.

Breakfast prices are usually a little cheaper than lunch or dinner, the prices of food in restaurants in Malaga are usually higher than fast food or street food. If you want a more abundant meal, we have three words for you: menu of the day. These hearty and cheap meals usually include a main course, a drink and a dessert for between 10 and 15 euros. But also, in our residence Hubr Xior Málaga Teatinos.


A one-way metro ticket costs 1.35 euros, if you prefer to go by bus, a ticket will cost 1.40, and 10-trip card 8.40 euros, you can also opt for a monthly public transport pass which costs 39 euros.

Entertainment and extras

It is often said that the living room of any Malaga and in general any Andalusian is in the street, thanks to the excellent climate, there are always people in the streets.
The most popular forms of entertainment in Malaga can be going to see a movie in the cinema for 7.80 euros, going to the beach or the mountains, or simply watching people with a glass of wine or beer in hand. Malaga also has a number of museums that you can visit.

Compared to larger cities, life in Malaga is not only cheaper, but more relaxed and with better weather. Although it has a considerable foreign population, Malaga retains a significant amount of Spanish culture and language.

If you stay at Hubr Xior Málaga Teatinos, chances are that the money you spend will be less than elsewhere. Thanks to our all-inclusive plans (electricity, water, etc.) you won’t have to worry about any other expenses during your stay in Malaga, giving you the time and money to enjoy this beautiful city.