Staying in a student residence near your university offers you many advantages and possibilities that will make your life as a student more manageable, it will greatly facilitate your mobility, comfort, and peace of mind. For the residents, it is not only a place to stay for an exact time, but they consider it a home, a second home, a place to create memories, build unique and special relationships, grow personally and professionally and where discover new experiences. You will meet people from different countries, and cultures, with different thoughts that will help you to know the world.
Hubr Xior university residences in Madrid, Málaga, Sevilla, and Granada, are our student residences, trusted residences especially for foreign students, with an excellent location to live your student experience close to many of the best universities that may be of interest to you. We know that it is an added value when choosing among others since time and money are two essential elements when you start your life as a student and a good location allows you to save on both.
We are going to show you the perks that exist in the Hubr Xior student residences:
1. Time
You will save a lot of time if you live in one of our Hubr Xior residences because you will be within walking distance of the best universities, and possibly your future university. You will arrive home quickly, to be able to do everything you have to do, time to study and prepare for your exams, read, investigate, attend congresses, seminars, workshops, and other academic activities as well as do your homework and enjoy your social life in the residence and outside of it with your friends and colleagues.
As you have the university nearby, you will also have the opportunity to spend as much time as possible there, study in the library, or simply enjoy the services of the university without the pressure of being late home. In short, you will be able to reach all your goals and achieve good academic and professional results.
2. Savings
You will save a lot of money on trips from the residence to the university, transfers, parking, etc. When you are in one of our residences, you save on transport, as there are many universities that you can reach on foot or within a few minutes by public transport. You will not necessarily have to use the car, so you will not spend on fuel and with that, believe me, you will save a lot of money!
3. Integral development
If you stay in one of our residences you will be able to develop your skills as a student and professional. Still, at the same time, you will be able to enjoy all kinds of activities and a 100% cultural exchange. In this student accommodation, you have the opportunity to expand your social network with colleagues and friends who are in the same situation as you with the services offered by Hubr Xior depending on the residence in which you stay, you can learn more about each residence, through the website of Hubr Xior, some of the facilities you will find are: gym, multipurpose room, study room outdoor or pool, in this way you will not stop the study time of other colleagues.
It is a unique opportunity to live in a community in this way that the student residence offers you.
4. Support
Another advantage of living in the Hubr Xior residence is that you have the support of the people you live with, because, as we have already said, they are people who are going through the same situation as you. Most of the people you live with are students, so you will have that motivation to dedicate time to your university career, share opinions, and help if you have classmates who study the same as you.