Tips for Erasmus students in Madrid

All the tips you should know if you are an Erasmus student in Madrid.
Once you got accepted to a university in Madrid and you have all the documentation, the great time has come for you to take the first step in your new adventure in Madrid.

We refer to your move to the capital of Spain and all the aspects that this city has to offer.

Remember that here you will live in one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Europe and you will find a great variety of cultures in one place. 

However, for your adaptation, it is important that you know some particular details of the city so that you are prepared for certain daily situations that we will explain below:

Customs in Madrid


Every city in the world has its own customs and Madrid is no exception. For example, it is common practice when meeting friends, acquaintances, and family to kiss each other on both cheeks. 

However, this greeting is more of a brushing of cheeks than an actual kiss. A man will only practice this greeting with another man if they are very good friends. If not, a simple handshake will suffice.

Another example is the siesta or nap. Although the traditional siesta is fighting for its survival in Spain’s larger cities, it is still somewhat common in Madrid for people to have an “horario partido,” in which people nap or eat between the hours of 2 PM and 5 PM. 

Many of the smaller shops observe this schedule and close between these hours.

The nightlife in Spain starts late, with most nightclubs filling to capacity at about 3:30 AM. Due to this all-night partying, it is customary in Madrid to have hot chocolate and churros (Spanish style fried dough) before heading home to bed.

Places to study

There’s nothing quite like finding the perfect study spot: that oasis of outlets and plentiful caffeine where you can hunker down and get the job done. 

Even though most of the students spend the majority of their study time at home or on campus, they all need a change of scenery every now and again.

Thankfully, Madrid is full of quiet libraries and quirky cafés ideal for exam prep, group work, and essay writing. 

The city is home to more than 10 major universities, making it fertile ground for student-friendly destinations. 

Some of the best spots to study are the Google Campus, Panela & Co, IE Business School Library, or Biblioteca Pública Municipal Mario Vargas Llosa

Get around town

Madrid is one of the best cities in Europe when we talk about connections and public transport. It does not matter which part of the city you live because you will always find an easy way to get around, it can be by bus, metro, tram, and biking service, which has thousands of exclusive lanes for people who opt for more sustainable mobility.

Interesting neighborhoods to live

In Madrid, you will find neighborhoods for all tastes. Madrid is one of Spain’s best cities to live in and an ex-pat favourite. 

It seamlessly blends the bustle of a modern metropolis with the charm of a historic place and offers a high quality of life at an affordable price.

You’ll find Madrid a fun and lively city that is steeped in art and culture, has great weather, a buzzing nightlife, a second to none healthcare system, a well-connected transport system, and plenty of job opportunities at international companies.

The best neighborhoods in Madrid are concentrated in the center as most new ex-pats prefer living near the center to the suburbs.

This isn’t surprising as the center offers better public transport (domestically and internationally), international job opportunities, educational institutes for English speakers, and a bigger ex-pat network.

So when it comes to Madrid’s best neighborhoods, we’re looking at the Centro district along with Retiro, Chamberí, and Salamanca. Centro itself has several of Madrid’s best neighborhoods like Sol, Malasaña, Chueca, La Latina, and Lavapiés.

Where to eat in Madrid

The capital is characterized by offering a wide variety of restaurants for all tastes and budgets. In that sense, foreign students will be able to find all kinds of places with food from all over the world at a price that is quite affordable for their pockets.

The options go from traditional Spanish food, Latin American and Asian restaurants, fast food, tapas, pizzerias, and many more options. The secret is to explore the city to find that culinary corner that completely satisfies your palate without affecting your budget too much.

With today’s post, we hope you have learned a little more about the secrets of the city of Madrid. If you are already in the process of moving here, remember that you can always count on our student residence so that your stay in Madrid becomes the best experience of your life.

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